The principle of the research workshop
The concept of the so-called research workshop has a long tradition in qualitative social research (Riemann, 2005). The workshop metaphor indicates that the research workshop is a space for ‘’working‘, a practice, a shared practice’ (Dausin, 2007). Researchers - and this means all participants equally - come together to work on research problems and empirical material in a communicative process. Two aspects are of central importance here: On the one hand, the joint interpretation of data material serves to validate one's own perspective in the research process and is considered a quality criterion of qualitative social research (Reichertz, 2013). On the other hand, the research workshop should also be understood as a space for ‘mutual learning from each other’ (Dausin, 2007). By constantly working together, researchers not only expand their methodological knowledge, but above all their methodological skills.
The research workshop of the Department of Sport Pedagogy
Our research workshop is a lively forum for the exchange and discussion of qualitatively orientated research projects, which are primarily located in the field of sport pedagogy. Committed researchers who are at different stages of their research projects meet here to interpret data material of all kinds in an inspiring atmosphere. Method(olog)ical and conceptual questions also find a place in our research workshop.
Who can take part in the research workshop?
The research workshop is open to anyone who can make their own projects methodologically connectable. Researchers from outside the field of sports education are also welcome to take part and contribute their perspectives.
Further information
Would you like to find out more or take part in one of our research workshops? Please get in touch with Philipp Beck ( Our meetings usually take place on the first Thursday of the month from 3 to 5 pm. At the end of each meeting, we discuss the follow-up dates and the content of the upcoming sessions.
Next dates:
07.11.2024; 05.12.2024
Dausien, B. (2007). Reflexivität, Vertrauen, Professionalität. Was Studierende in einer gemeinsamen Praxis qualitativer Forschung lernen können. Diskussionsbeitrag zur FQS-Debatte "Lehren und Lernen der Methoden qualitativer Sozialforschung". Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 8(1),
Reichertz, J. (2013). Gemeinsam interpretieren. die Gruppeninterpretation als kommunikativer Prozess. Springer VS.
Riemann, G. (2005). Zur Bedeutung von Forschungswerkstätten in der Tradition von Anselm Strauss. Mittagsvorlesung, 1. Berliner Methodentreffen Qualitative Forschung, 24.- 25. Juni 2005.