"Practical courses" - didactics and methodology of sports

In the special didactics and methodology of the sports - or more simply the practical courses - the teaching offer is divided into nine experience and learning fields (ELF, e.g. ELF 1 = "Playing in teams": Football, Handball, Basketball ...) (see table below). Each study regulation requires successful participation in a certain number of introductory and subsequent courses (EPs or VPs) in the sports within the ELF. The close link between theory and practice is a central feature of teaching in all ELFs. Established team and backstroke games, athletics, gymnastics and movement arts, and swimming form the core of the offer. In addition to these sports, a variety of opportunities arise from events in areas such as: On Wheels and Rollers, Fighting, Dancing, Baseball or Trampoline. In addition, excursions are offered (see Excursions). Depending on the degree programme, Beginning Swimming, Small Games, Functional Gymnastics and/or Psychomotorics are designated as compulsory courses. Further compulsory courses can be found in the study regulations.
ELF | Modul | Sports |
Area A | Individual sport |
Area B | Individual Sport |
Area C | Playing in the team/playing |
Area D | Reverse Games/Games |
Area E | Further sports |
Preliminary Course Plan
The provisional course plan for the theory and practice of the experience and learning fields or for the special didactics and methodology of the sports is intended to enable students to plan their studies in the long term. According to the offer planning, one can choose the sports for an introductory phase (EP) in a certain semester as well as the EP with a subsequent in-depth phase (VP).
- Practice WiSe23/24 - WiSe 27/28 - Status 03/23/2023
Additional qualifications at the Institute of Sport Science
The Institute of Sport Science offers its students the opportunity to acquire various trainer licences as additional qualifications in various practical courses. The prerequisite is always passing the corresponding VP, in some cases further measures are necessary.
You can find more information here or at the practical events.