The interdisciplinary Bachelor's programme is suitable for prospective students who do not yet have a fixed career goal, because the Bachelor's degree opens up a wide range of career opportunities. Alternatively, it is also possible to start a Master's programme in teaching at grammar schools or a subject-specific Master's programme after successful completion.
The interdisciplinary Bachelor's programme comprises two subjects (major and minor subject) and the professionalisation part, in which important overarching qualifications are taught. This part includes two areas: Educational sciences (pedagogy and psychology) and key competences, for example with courses on EDP and multimedia, PR work, on social competences of teachers, on violence prevention or on dealing with the voice in school. For the subject combination options for the teaching professions, please refer to the superordinate information offer of Leibniz Universität Hannover on the interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree programme.
Module catalogues
The module catalogue contains detailed information such as the number of semesters, module affiliation, participation requirements or literature references for the courses held at the Institute of Sport Science. The content covers all degrees, theory courses and courses from the field of didactics and methodology of sports.
- Module catagogue of the subject Sport since WiSe 24/25 (PDF)
- Module catalogue of the teacher training programmes since WiSe 22/23 (PDF)
- Module catalogue of the teacher training programmes updated WiSe 21/22 (PDF)
- Module catalogue of the teacher training programmes since WiSe 17/18 (PDF)
- Module catalogue of the teacher training programmes to SoSe 17 (PDF)
Sample study planner
The file linked below shows - as a pure printout - the sample study plan for all degree programmes. The respective degree programme only has to be selected on the tabs.
For your own study planning, it is recommended that you fill in the sample study planner with the concrete content wishes and concrete semester assignments for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes! This involves automatic checks for correctness and a comparison with the long-term offer plan. However, all results and outputs are without guarantee.
A detailed overview of the course of study with all compulsory modules and courses can be found in the annotated course catalogue or in the module handbook. Detailed information on the individual modules can also be found under the menu item Courses.
Examination regulations & information on the interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree
Contact the subject Sport in the FüBa

30167 Hannover