Aptitude Test

Date of this year's aptitude test at the Institute of Sport Science

Registration period:


Further information on the registration procedure and the test will follow shortly.


Download of the management expectations for the aptitude test at the Institute for Sports Science at LUH


Further information

  • How and where can I register?

    The registration period is 6 weeks (from 03/14-04/25/2025). Registration is binding and takes place digitally. These steps are necessary:

    1. Write an e-mail to eignung@sportwiss.uni-hannover.de and provide us with the data required for the registration process: Name, first name, Mail address (if different from the address sent)
    2. You will receive an email from us after two working days at the latest with all further information about the test.
    3. Register with that data on LUH-ILIAS* and enrol in the preliminary course "Eignungsfeststellung".
    4. After complete registration, you will have full access to all information and upload areas within the framework of the aptitude test.
    5. Complete all "Digital Tasks" on LUH-ILIAS by 05/09/2025: Upload a medical certificate (template online); Upload the proof in the swimming task (see below and online for information)and Create and upload a video in the game sports task (see below and online for information).
    6. Come to the Sportcampus (Am Moritzwinkel 6 in 30167 Hannover) on 05/16/2025 at 8.00 a.m. and complete the attendance tasks for the 2025 aptitude test.
    7. After passing the digital tasks and the on-site tasks, you will probably be able to download your certificate from the LUH-ILIAS learning platform from the evening of the examination. It will be available there until 10/31/2025.


    * LUH-ILIAS (Integrated learning, information and work cooperation system) is a learning platform on which teachers can provide learning opportunities for students and implement didactic teaching scenarios. ILIAS also enables the organisation of courses, e-exams and exercises.

    The Institute of Sport Science uses this platform for your registration for the aptitude test and for the administration of your results. Everything is subsumed in the so-called "preliminary course" Eignungsfeststellung Institut für Sportwissenschaft.

  • What are the performance requirements in detail?
  • Exercise opportunities

    The Suitability Team, in cooperation with the Centre for University Sports, offers supervised practice dates as well as free practice on the sports campus.
    Registration is required for the preparation dates. All information will follow shortly.

    04/11/25 13-15 o´clock

    04/22/25 12-14 o´clock

    04/29/25 12-14 o´clock

    05/09/25 12-14 o´clock

    05/15/25 10-12 o´clock

    Important notice:
    Registration for these exercise opportunities is via the Hochschulsport (see link). Please address all questions in connection with registration directly to the Hochschulsport (contact details can be found on the homepage of the Hochschulsport).


  • Which substitute certificates are recognised?

    If proof of special aptitude for the subject of sport has been acquired at another German university, this proof will be recognised (after examination) as a substitute. In this case, please send the proof together with your other application documents to the Admissions Office of Leibniz Universität Hannover.

    Other substitute certificates (sports badge, sports baccalaureate, coaching certificates, etc.) cannot be recognised!

  • Contact options

    For questions regarding the aptitude assessment procedure or the recognition of aptitude assessment procedures from other universities as part of the study application, you can contact the aptitude assessment team by e-mail via the button below.

