Ongoing projects

Title Principal Investigators
Mechanisms of Exercise-Induced TROPonin Release

Fabian Spahiu
Doctoral candidate)

Prof. Dr. Eric J. Stöhr
Principal investigator)
Improved Understanding of the Sprint Athlete’s Left Ventricle in Exercise

Lars Helbig
Doctoral candidate)

Prof. Dr. Eric J. Stöhr
Principal investigator)
The T1CKET Study:
The influence of type 1 diabetes on cardiac function and oxygen uptake during exercise in children and adolescents

Michelle Ottlik (née Mook)
(M.Sc. candidate)

Prof. Dr. Eric J. Stöhr (Principal investigator)
The unspecific matching of cardiac function to the periphery

Moritz Lampkemeyer
(M.Sc. candidate)

Prof. Dr. Eric J. Stöhr (Principal investigator)
Mechanisms Of Exercise Limitations in LVAD Patients

Dr. Alexander Hansen (Postdoc)

Prof. Dr. Eric J. Stöhr (Principal investigator)