Dr. Steffen Schiedek

30167 Hannover

Thu. 10:00 - 11:00 Appointment via Stud.IP
The Person
Professional career
After graduating from high school in 1990, I studied sports science, physics and computer science at the Georg-August University in Göttingen from 1993 to 2002 and completed my studies with the First State Examination. This was followed by a traineeship at the Wolfsburg Studienseminar for the teaching profession at grammar schools until 2004, which I completed with the Second State Examination in Sport and Physics.
In 2004, I received my doctorate (Dr disc. pol.) from the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Georg-August University of Göttingen. My dissertation in sports psychology deals with the optimal arousal level in parachutists.
From 2004, I was employed as a teacher of sport, physics and computer science at the Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium in Wolfsburg - this was followed by teaching assignments and a secondment as a teacher for special tasks in 2005 and a transfer to the Institute of Sports Science at Leibniz Universität Hannover in 2011.
Other activities
- Training officer of the German Canoe Association
Department of Sport and Education
- Digital media in physical education
- Dealing with heterogeneity in physical education
- Education for sustainable development in/through/with sport
Sports and Exercise/Training Department
- Movement learning with digital media - focus on game consoles
- Sports psychology: Optimal arousal states and their modelling
Didactics and methodology of sports
- Outdoor and adventure sports with a focus on kayaking/rowing
- Setback games