Sport and Society

The research area "Sport and Society" has a social and cultural science orientation in research and teaching. It deals with sociological, political and cultural-historical aspects of sport, body and movement.

Head of the research area

© Gaby Ahnert
Prof. Dr. phil. Sandra Günter
Am Moritzwinkel 6
30167 Hannover
Office hours
17.07.2024: 12:00 - 13:00 Appointment via Stud.IP
24.07.2024: 12:00 - 13:00 Appointment via Stud.IP
31.07.2024: 12:00 - 13:00 Appointment via Stud.IP
© Gaby Ahnert
Prof. Dr. phil. Sandra Günter
Am Moritzwinkel 6
30167 Hannover
Office hours
17.07.2024: 12:00 - 13:00 Appointment via Stud.IP
24.07.2024: 12:00 - 13:00 Appointment via Stud.IP
31.07.2024: 12:00 - 13:00 Appointment via Stud.IP

Teaching follows the principles of linking theory and practice, research-based learning and research participation as well as diversity of methods.

The following topics form the focal points of the work area in research and teaching:

  • Sociology of Sport, Body, Diversity and Migration
  • Gender studies, esp. body and gender construction in sport
  • Cultural history of sport, body and movement
  • Sport history and sport politics
  • Sport and the media
  • Philosophy of science and history of science
  • Qualitative Social Research

In addition, various questions on the medial (re)presentation and staging of bodies in the field of sport as well as social media are examined with the primary application of qualitative methods of empirical social research. In addition, there are current aspects of an interdisciplinary and clearly internationally oriented gender research. The human body forms the hinge between the different scientific perspectives as well as the three other fields of work of the institute.

Study and graduation work

For possible topics, please contact the research areas or a lecturer of your choice.