Ongoing projects
Title | Principal Investigators | Funding |
Socializing Sensory-Motor-Contingencies (2015-2018) | Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg, Dr. Gerd Schmitz | EU H2020 FETPROAC |
Errorless Learning (2014-2016) | Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg (Hannover), Prof. Dr. med. Thomas F. Münte (Lübeck) | Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) |
SoundGaitSymmetry (2014-2016) | Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg | Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) |
Sonifikation im Rudern (seit 2006) | Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg, Dr. Gerd Schmitz | Federal Institute for Sports Science (BISp) 2006-2008 |
SoundSoccer - Ein akustisch-rhythmisches Interventionsprojekt im Fußball (seit 2010) | Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg (Hannover), Manfred Müller (Köln) | Sennheiser electronic GnbH & Co. KG |
Intermodale Wahrnehmungseffekte bei sportlichen Bewegungen (seit 2008) | Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg | Own resources |
- Further information on research at
Completed projects
Title | Principal Investigators | Period / Funding |
Kognition in Bewegung | Dr. Gerd Schmitz | 2011-2013, funded by the LUH program „Wege in die Forschung II“ currently: continuation with own ressources |
EU-Verbundprojekt "Bewegungssonifikation" | Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg | 2011-2013, funded by the EU |
Wahrnehmungsoptimierte Bewegungsregulation | Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg | 2006-2008, funded by the Federal Institute for Sports Science (BISp) |
Audiovisuelle Bewegungsinformation und Multisensorische Integration | Prof. Dr. Henning Boecker, Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg, Prof. Dr. Heinz Mechling & Dr. Lukas Scheef (alphabetically) | 2001-2008 |